This should seemingly be under my fashion sub-blog but it has to do with the respect churchgoers accord to God via their dressing.
Church authorities are not being the fashion police, as this is not a matter of judging attire based on current trends or physical function. It is to do with basic decorum in the house of God. Decorum has to do with dressing as well as behaviour. Indeed, we are in church to "revere the Eucharist" and I condone turning away those who have no intention to do so via their dressing when they go up for Communion. Wearing a "flesh-coloured spaghetti-strap top" has broken two rules of modesty. The colour can mislead people into thinking she is topless and the straps are revealing. What is wrong with changing its colour and wearing a cardi over it?! She has nothing to find fault about.
It is ironic how people dress their best only on special occasions like Christmas, Easter and Confirmation. Even then, it is the occasion itself that causes this more formal dressing and not the respect for God. Moreover, they may dress formally but still unchastely. I am aware that sometimes people are not motivated to spend time in dressing up for mass but the key word here is more "modestly". How much time is needed to wear a T-shirt and a pair of jeans? They may argue that it takes less time to wear a tank top and a pair of shorts, but like I implied earlier, the needs for modesty and respect towards God reign.
In fact, in the earlier decades, it was a rule for churchgoers to wear their Sunday best. This would mean suits for men and boys, and dresses for women and girls. To this day, I am proud to note that the blacks still adhere to this. I saw a family wearing like this while I was in Westminster Cathedral. On a worldly note, I would love to dress up in attire of the 1950s, where full dresses were the rage. Of course, I would not forget to insert modesty in my choice of dressing by wearing cardis over my sleeveless dresses. The Regency era of dressing is also another personal choice. The dresses are actually more modest with sleeves included and the length up to the ankles.
I like the explanation of OLPS's parish priest towards this issue. He said it is the impression we as Catholics give to others. It is in dressing, word and deed. This is the most potent reason, I feel. Tube tops/off-shoulder tops with hot shorts is a definite no-no. How audacious and nonchalant! Indeed, it is the younger group that needs this rule; tweens to even adults. The church is certainly not a catwalk!
Some people may argue that God's love is not dependent on outer appearances but we need to show our love for Him too. A relationship is two-way and dressing modestly is a way of showing it.