I shall present my thoughts about this topic in point form and include only highlights, so as not to be boringly tedious, especially for non-Christians.
-I look forward to every session because I can learn new praise and worship songs. I memorise the titles of those I like and try to download the tracks of these songs via the internet. Also, the songs are well-chosen as they are inspiring and melodious.
-The people are really really warm. They notice your absence the next time round when you've come only once before. They greet you when you enter. They make u feel cared for and welcomed. U feel like a family member. Note that I'm not from their parish and they know it.
-They respect my worship methods. Sometimes I stop clapping due to tired hands or choose not to sing, reflecting on the lyrics instead. I never feel ostracized because we understand that each one of us communicates with the Spirit differently. There are people who don't lift their hands or speak in tongues or dance during worship. No one is judged or condescended upon.
-Those of us who aren't in the service team are also invited to be involved in helping out. The canteen day was announced to all of us who wanted to help sell or cook. A prayer warriors team is open to those of us who want to receive prayer requests via sms in order to pray behind the scenes. It is a complement to the intercessory ministers at the weekly sessions.
-The Spirit is truly alive and awesome. I experienced the gift of knowledge twice from the same leader. God touches me so overwhelmingly and joyfully. His presence is strong and the rest He gives me is precious.
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