Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Christmas praise - charismatic style!

This was the first time I celebrated Christmas with the Charismatic group. It was fulfilling, both spiritually and socially. I look forward to more to come.

When I arrived at the chapel, it was so crowded and there were many visitors. I couldn't sit at my usual place. We started off the session by preparing our hearts for the time with our King. It was a good move instead of just plunging into the songs straightaway.

As we sang familiar carols, I encountered new musical styles. We sang the first verse of Away in a Manger in the traditionally slow way but increased the tempo for the rest of the verses. Besides other carols like Mary's Boy Child, we also sang We are the Reason.

It was so different from my usual Christmas mass. I could actually mean my lyrics as I sang them, since I wasn't entrusted to sing in order to touch people around me as I am at choir. I sang for myself and to God. I was free to just lift my hands while worshipping.

The talk was on God's blessings upon Christian. He shared on his physical pain a few months back and how God healed him for His glory and service, as well as how God has blessed him with children when it was medically impossible. We had a mass intercessory session and I used the opportunity to ask God for certain favours. As testimony time came, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to give. I prayed about it and somehow I found myself going forward to do so. I had been gifted with two Christmas miracles and spoke about them. I also gave back to God what I owed him: a testimony on my arthritis.

A few people came up to me to thank me for my testimony and I give the glory back to Him. I feel that God had used me to touch people. We had a Christmas meal and were given presents too. :) The leaders charmed us with their singing and I liked all of them, really. They have sweet voices, I mean, the girls. Christian sang this song by Clay Aiken and I love Clay's voice. I went home to look for the video and found it!

The meal made me even more aware of why I like CTK. The people know when to pray and play. You can hear a pin drop at the Reconciliation services as people don't treat them as social functions, something which my parish has to learn. They pray and play with all their hearts at the proper times. Almost all of them are very welcoming and caring to newcomers. Note that I'm not from their parish and they know that.

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