Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ctk's charismatic session

I mentioned in my previous entry that I had not gone for charismatic sessions for 2 years. I was undecided as to whether I should go for last week's session, and this was a dominant reason. I was feeling awkward at going for it after having "disappeared" for a couple of years. However, the theme of Praise and Worship was enticing. I wanted to find my ground on that form of prayer in my life once again, since charismatic is a life-changing experience for my spirituality.

I prayed for an answer as to whether I should go for it and God spoke so clearly during mass. The communion hymn was Here I Am To WORSHIP. Things just fell into place. I had wanted to go for mass at another parish nearer to where I was but decided to go back to my usual one for weekday masses. Thank God I chose that parish or else I wouldn't have obtained my answer.

Funnily enough, I felt a sense of peace upon entering the chapel just before the session. There were new faces amongst the facilitators but they were welcoming. When the welcoming part occurred, I was grateful that they didn't announce my name. I was there for God and my spirituality.

We started the praise segment and I just let myself go instead of letting my consciousness stifle my expression of praise to God. I guess the dvds of Don Moen helped me to be more comfortable in a live setting. I just did what I wanted that would pay homage to God while singing. I even clapped along, which I never did before!

The talk on the theme was enlightening and affirming. I learnt again the difference between praise and worship, as well as the different methods and the obstacles towards doing it properly. As we went into deeper worship, the song I heard at mass, which was God's answer to me to go for the session, was sung. I was awed. The worship leader also affirmed me for turning up for the session, in a general sense.

I went up to be prayed over and again, I just did it without letting my fears overwhelm me. I knew that it was a real experience and I was glad that this time, it counteracted the spiritual attack I had the last time. God's power was truly strong and the prayer intercessor even said," God bless."

Again, I let myself go for the worship segment and when testimony time came, I agreed wholeheartedly with what the leader said about smiling due to regular attendance at charismatic sessions. I even voluntarily joined the prayer warrior team.

I didn't regret taking that bold step to go and I will continue going for the sessions.

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