Tuesday, August 19, 2008

God's mercy and marvels

[Sept 4: Drop those burdens

Our God is our supply.

Look to Me for all... Rely on Me for all. Drop those burdens and then singing and free, you can go on your way rejoicing.
Drop them at My Feet, knowing surely that I will lift them and deal with each one as is truly best.]

This is the excerpt from God calling, a daily meditation book. It summarises what took place on that day and my feelings. It was the culmination of the week's spirituality for me, as mentioned in the last paragraph of the entry on seeking my Master's help above that of human. I decided to rest in the Lord, to sing His will.

I was adequate in knowledge. I managed to correct my mistakes before the actual performance, bring out the mood and technicality of the music and most importantly, pray the music for the good of others. All these were only because God on high chose to answer me. He did deal with the prayers in His own way. His saints helped too. I was made as His instrument to others as well.

A miracle took place. I use this word because I was not totally trusting in Him although I had prayed to Him and yet He showed me that He'll do what He wants even if my faith is left wanting. Our human feelings don't define His will for us. This is the most outstanding lesson I learnt that day.

We watched a presentation and emotions welled up within me again as the victory celebrations for our award 2 years back was flashed across the screen. That was a very poignant time for me. That was when I felt strongly the mercy God had shown me by giving me a second chance to return to the group, even though I didn't sound it out to Him and wallowed in silence. I guess that was why I still felt emotional at the presentation. That scene was accompanied by the song we sang after the results: My Tribute. We couldn't have obtained the award without His grace and we give it back to Him, our Giver.

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