Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Religious gripes

I am coming back to the heart of worship and it is all about you, my Lord

Truly, these words affirm some of my previous entries. Religion is not about judging people's attitudes and views alone. They will answer to God alone on that. Neither is it primarily on rules and regulations. There should be respect for the Pope's words yes but what matters more, I feel, is the heart that never fails to follow God despite where He is.

His true and real presence is in the Blessed Sacrament but whether the tabernacle that holds Him, is at the side or in the centre of the church, is secondary to the fact that we acknowledge He is there. Let every heart kneel spiritually at that!

By not insisting that it should be moved back to the centre, does not make one love God less or a bad Catholic! That is so narrow-minded!! True holiness is not through external views or behaviour but through inner love and reverence for God, which only He can see and others don't need to!! If they do see, they will just judge, so why let them??

If the priest has made his stand on it, why should we be so aggressive as to counter him?? If we do feel uncomfortable about his decision, we can speak privately to him about it and achieve mutual communication and understanding in the process. However, to incite a petition against it, is tantamount to rebellion and disobedience, I feel. It seems like an uprising against authority that should be respected above all other things. A priest represents our Lord in human form, the head of the church, is he not?

Rites and rituals are empty if they are carried out due to obligation or habit. On the contrary, if the heart acknowledges Him but this is not shown through external acts, it does not mean that the person doesn't respect God within himself and yes, God has seen his heart!

Maybe my faith is blind by saying these things but I don't care how I'm seen. My conscience is clear. I know how God is to me, not for others to know anyway.

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